Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Onward and Foward

The time has come!! The biggest learning experience of my college career has come. In just a few days I will embark on yet another unmatchable journey. I say another because in the past I have had many experiences, journeys, that have contributed to the person who writes these blog entries today. Each of those journeys, though never easy, often depressing, occasionally world shattering, and sometimes painful those journeys always ended with me becoming a better more rounded person. Now the next episode in my never ending life of experiences is about to begin. On January 3rd I along with 22 of my classmates will be traveling to Ghana, West Africa to study a culture that has influenced the most powerful nations in the World.

There are few things that I enjoy studying about more than the History of African Americans in this country. These are a people who have survived 300 years of slavery, 100 years of Jim Crow segregation, and the racial discrimination and slave mentality that still exist in our government and our mindsets today. There is not a more profound or inspiring history than that of the African American history. This is why I and so excited about this trip and the opportunity to study the history of African American before they enter this country. More importantly, as always it is an opportunity for those under me to gain the knowledge of that inspiring history that I will return with.
It is because of that inspiring history that I have come to the point in my life that I am at now. In my year and a half as a college student I have learn that college is a place where you find out what truly interests you. A person can never completely plan there life in college because he/she never knows what will happen next. Some of you may have known that I am registered as a psychology major. I did and I still do find psychology interesting but it is not what I am interested in. Every semester I have taken an African American history class and that is what I am truly interested in. So that is my new major. I am no longer a psychology major; I decided that I should study what I was truly interested in. Once again life journeys have opened my eyes to something that didn’t know about myself and my future.
Thanks to everyone who made this next Journey, Journey to Ghana, possible your denotations support, and guidance makes these things possible.

Successful Brother