Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The biggest component of this organization is Success; I mean it’s in the name. But you must ask yourself what does that mean. What is your definition of success? It’s not something that this organization can decide for you. I can not determine what success is for you. Success is a life journey. It’s something that comes to you though life experiences and reached goals. Success is happiness, the one thing in life that you can see yourself doing until it is complete. This organization’s job is to guide you toward what will one day make you happy!
Because what is life without happiness. How can a person truly live without being happy? The people with the best life are not the richest ones or the most educated one the people with the best lives are the happiest ones. A smile is the easiest thing to create. Happiness is life, a good life anyway! And don’t we all want that. Again that is not to say that you will not have stumbling blocks along the way no one is happy all the time. That would be weird.
My point is this brothers, Find the things in life that make you happy. Weather it is music, good music I mean, drawing, writing, or a certain person and stay with it, use it to its fullest ability. Tie yourself to your happiness and it can never leave you. Success starts early and so does happiness. If you find them and keep them close now you’ll have happiness and success for a life time. Success my brothers!

“Save while you’re young and relax when you’re older”

When I was back home and I felt low only one thing kept me going, my music. I must have listened to one CD five hundred times in a month. Because it gave me hope and made my Happy!
This week Successful Brothers search for your happiness. Try new things, find what makes you happy. And when you find it hold on to it. Each time you’re feeling low do it and watch the smile come across your face. Good Luck. My Brothers
Successful brother Mr. Perkins


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